Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's almost time....

I've been reading all the comments on this site and the fundamental forum.  I've also been talking to other members who have not posted.  I find that there are three different types of church members:

1.      The first are members who are content in their way of life.  It's easy for them to ignore the pressing issues of our church because they feel as though it doesn't really affect them, or that they don't exist.  They are content with just coming to church, talking to the same ole people, doing the same ole thing.  This church member doesn't like change.  These members can be dangerous because they can't see what's going on around them. They refuse to listen to the facts.  They refuse to ask questions.  They are the ones that will fight for preacher.

2.  The second type of church member doesn't care.  They might be planning to leave anyway.  They don't like drama or confrontation.  They might be new and not know how things are done at Berean.  The might not know what's going on.  Question is brother....why don't you care?  Why are you here?

3.  Finally, there are members like you and I.  We are members who truly love the church.  We have been faithful, tithing, and soul winning Christians.  I've been going to Berean my whole life.  I love Preacher.  I love Bro. Greg.  But somewhere along the line there has been a disconnect.  I don't believe these are evil, vicious men.  I believe that Preacher believes he is doing the right thing.  I believe that Bro. Greg is a different man today, not the perv from way back.  Does this mean we just sit back and forget about sins committed? NO.  Does this mean we sit back and let Preacher cover it up? No.  How about finances, don't you want to know what's going on? YES.  I find it odd that ex church members and strangers know more about OUR church finances than WE do.  We're the ones that give the money; we should decide where it goes.  The third type of church member doesn't want to leave.  If you are like me, Berean has been your life for years and you're ready to fight for it.  You're tired of being told we are at war.  For as long as I can remember, Berean has always been at war with somebody.  People hate us; we have a bad name in the community.  It's not because we go soul winning either.  Maybe it’s because of how we treat people who disagree with us, who don't do what we say, Who don't do it like we want.  Could it be because we make bad business deals? 

Christians, can I ask you something?  If God is truly blessing us, then why did we have to file for Bankruptcy?  Why are we $6.6 million in debt?  Why does preacher get paid so much when our teachers don't get paid anything?  Do you recall Preacher telling us from the pulpit that Apple donated the computer lab equipment?  That Apple equipment was written off in the bankruptcy....grand total $15,000.  We have no business financing things and then not paying them.  That's stealing.  If we can't afford to pay teachers, then why are we hiring new staff members and paying them.  Why are we printing banners and signs?  Why are we taking on new missionary families?  Why are we having all these conferences?  Why are we not taking care of our own?  Now, I agree that preacher should get paid well because he's been here for a long time.  You know who else has been here a long time?  Pam Triplett.  How about the Stanley’s?  Dr. and Mrs. Hudson...there are plenty more.  None of which, are making over 100 grand a year.

Church member, please don't take my word.  The people of Berea would listen to what the preachers had to say and look it up in the scriptures to see for themselves.  I'm asking you to read for yourself our bankruptcy papers.  Read our bylaws.  Lastly, read our Bible.

It’s about time to confront the staff.  Just a few more weeks….

1 comment:

  1. After reading the bk docs it seems quite a bit is not right with the funds. And yes I do put in my tithe so I should have a right to know where the money is going.
